Saturday, July 25, 2009


We arrived in Entebbe last night at 10:45, tired but yet excited to finally be here. We were met by the driver of the van to take us to Hotel Roma. The van was a 15 passenger van. There are 11 of us and 22 LARGE suitcases, 11 carryon bags and 5 purses. I will let your imagination take over from here!

On the way over, we met people from two other groups on their way over. One group was from Sarasota on a medical mission. One group was from London coming to work in Entebbe.

The beds were comfortable last night and we all slept well. After two long days of travel, the showers felt wonderful! Right now, we are waiting for the rain to subside so that they can repackage all of the above so we can embark on the 6 or 7 hour drive to Gulu. We will all visit one of the IDP camps tonight and then the guys will leave in the morning for The Village of Hope.

It is time to close for now -- we're about to head to Gulu. I hope to post tomorrow.


  1. Thanks and I am glad to hear there was some rain. God is there w/u all!

  2. Did you stay at the Sophie Hotel in Entebbe? Enjoy the ride today, take in the sites. Thanks for the update you are all in our prayers!!

  3. HI ALL!! Luv and blessings!

  4. Praise God you arrived safe and sound! You are officially in a whole different world (in many ways!) May God just continue to bless you with protection and his presence as you walk your individual journeys during this mission trip. There is so much to learn... We are all so proud of you guys! -Nichole

  5. Hi All ~
    You are in our prayers, daily. Thanks for keeping us posted. I always enjoy traveling vicariously with you. This year, everyone on your team has touched my life in some way so it is an extra special event for me. Know that we are with you in spirit, every step of the way.
    May God bless you and bless others through you as you serve Him there.
    His love and mine,
    Elaine Bonilla

  6. Glad you are all safe, Praying for you all. Look forward to more updates

    Say Hi to Jenna for me and each one of you give her a big hug from me.


  7. Dear all, seeing your picture brings a huge smile to my face. God bless you for the wonderful work you are doing in His name. Thanks for the blog wow what a journey. I'm so proud of you guys. ((Big hugs)) Ceri
